With the use of gravity drilling technology using the MTM 1200, the rainwater drainage connections were made with a diameter of 225 mm and 315 mm, each with a length of about 14 meters.

mapka ang
Network location

Sewer connections had to be made with a precisely set slope between the infrastructure of the building under construction and the existing retention system. The connection point was the existing DN1200 sewage well, located in the middle lane of a busy road.

jezdnia 1
Connection point - the existing sewage well
droga 1
Connection point - the existing sewage well
droga 4
Connection point - the existing sewage well

Due to the strategically connected location, it was unacceptable to use any technology that would cause significant traffic disruption, which would certainly be the case with other technologies, including typical trenchless machines and technologies, such as auger drilling rigs or microtunnelling. The use of the Gravitational Drilling Rig resulted in only a few hours' shutdown of one of the three lanes of Al. Grunwaldzka.

The drilling process was carried out by pilot drilling, from the starting chamber with the Gravity Drilling Rig placed in it, to the well located on the street. Pilot drilling required high precision, which was a factor in achieving the desired gravity drop of the installation.

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The starting chamber with the Gravity Drilling Rig placed in the supporting structure - the adapter
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Performing a precise pilot drilling

After obtaining a drilling head of a sewage well, it was equipped with a head enabling simultaneous drilling of a hole and installation of a sewage system.

grunwaldzka 3
Completion of the pilot drilling in the sewer well



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Reaming head with starting pipe module installed
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Conversion into a reaming head which allows pulling the pipeline into the starting chamber at the same time
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Reaming along with pulling the pipepline
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Reaming along with pulling the pipeline

The individual sections of the sewer pipe were built of pipe modules connected directly in the sewer well. The developed technology of joining and sealing pipe segments ensures effective, tight and durable connection, which guarantees the highest quality and durability of the network. 

The used pipe modules have the Technical Approval of the Building Research Institute, valid in Poland. A similar document is available in other countries.

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Joining successive segments of modular pipes in a sewage chamber

Then, by pulling the drilling head back from the well into the starting trench, an installation was made, consisting of successively connected pipe segments.

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Pulling the pipe into the starting manhole

The main advantage of the technology with the use of the MTM 1200 Gravitational Drilling Rig System is high efficiency of implementation, especially in networks requiring very high precision and accuracy of gravity drop. Another advantage is that there is no need to interfere with the existing infrastructure. The technology enables to provide the work 100% trenchless. This results in lower traffic restrictions and other difficulties for the local society. Reducing the working time with the use of Gravity Drilling technology means significant savings for local budgets. It is also support in the fight for a clean environment, clean air and environmental friendliness in construction processes.



Gravity Drilling Technology

The technology of Gravity Drilling, using MTM 1200 Gravitational Drilling equipment, allows for fully trenchless and completely non-invasive implementation of water and sewage systems in the existing infrastructure. In particular, it is applicable when it is necessary to install a network between the existing sewerage chambers in dense urban development.

Meet the technology
  • the starting chamber is a well (new or existing) DN 1000, DN 1200 or larger.
  • implementing installations from typical wells without interfering with the surrounding infrastructure.
  • the drilling machine is placed in the well through a typical DN 600 manhole.
  • the installation does not require any excavation, work begins and ends in the wells.
  • no need for starting chambers and their drainage
  • installing the machine in chambers of any non-standard shape
  • working from the excavation with the use of a mobile starting chamber and / or adapters
  • performing works from a starting well with low mechanical strength
  • working in a well equipped with space limiting elements without the need to disassemble them
  • making installations at any depth.
  • the technology enables sewerage to be made with an accuracy of 2 ‰ gravitational slope
  • the drilling rig can work at the very bottom of the well and directly under the well cover.
  • drilling is possible below the groundwater level. This applies to the entire boring route, including the area around the well.
  • work in soils with drilling classes: II, III, IV, V (sand, gravel, clay and soft rocks, medium: marly limestones, order clay, marls, sand shales, rubble, concrete obstacles).
  • the technology does not reduce soil compaction, it allows for compacting the zone around the pipe to be installed.
  • when drilling works on active collectors, it is not necessary to block the sewage
  • the highest efficiency of the installation compared to other available trenchless technologies








As part of the project "Construction of the S6 expressway Słupsk -Gdańsk", using the MTM 1200 system, a sanitary installation was implemented - connections to street inlets - drainage of the Wielki Kack junction.

dabrowa opis
Location of the part of the installation

The installation consisted of several sections of pipes with a length of over a dozen to several dozen meters each, made of PP segmented pipes ∅225x13.8 mm, installed with a 1% slope. The diagram below shows a fragment of the project of this installation.

Installation scheme

The existing DN 1200 sewage chambers had to be connected to the existing sewage system. The Gravitational Drilling Rig MTM 1200 is the only available technology that enables the fully trenchless implementation of this construction in this site. At one end of the installation, there were existing sewage wells, and on the other, a very narrow lane separating the two dual carriageways, which are part of the Tricity Beltway.

dabrowa 3
Assembly of the Gravity Drilling Rig in the starting well

The Gravity Drilling Rig was installed in the starting well. A pilot drilling was made from it to the final excavation, situated on the lane separating the roadways.

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Performing a pilot drilling

Then a sewage pipe was built from the tubular modules, which was pulled from the technical final excavation to the starting well.

dabrowa 5
Construction of the pipeline in the technical chamber

The construction site related to the project was located in the area of the busy Tri-City Ring Road. The use of any other technology limiting or excluding this communication thread was not an option. The Gravity Drilling Technology has been developed for such works, so that in such and similar places it is possible to perform the installations fully trenchlessly, without interfering with the existing infrastructure and without the need to block traffic.

dabrowa 7
Construction site